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Did Adam and Eve Have Down Syndrome?

By Kurt Kondrich
During the month of October we celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and since the birth of my beautiful daughter Chloe in 2003 I have become very aware of characteristics and behaviors these amazing individuals with an extra chromosome possess.

Keeping Hope When All Seems Hopeless

By Rey Flores
I’m not sure about you, but sometimes at the end of the day, I just seem to run out of air. I feel like someone has taken the wind out of me and the world’s problems have become too much to bear.

When Children Die, Where Is God?

By Nancy Valko, RN, ALNC
On October 18, 2012, we lost our 6-year-old grandson Noah after a long and often brutal battle with a rare autoimmune disease called familial HLH (Hemophago-cytic lymphohistiocytosis).

Planned Parenthood Is the Sex Mafia

By Michael Hichborn
In June of this year, Pope Francis delivered a powerful message to members of a notorious crime syndicate in Calabria, Italy. The ‘Ndrangheta is believed to be wealthier and more powerful than the Sicilian mafia.

That’s Messed Up: The Recipe for This Election Cycle’s Birth Control Soup-Sandwich That Set Planned Parenthood Backtracking

By Rita Diller
What happens when you take copious amounts of hormonal carcinogens, steep in utter disregard for humanity, sprinkle with false compassion, stir all in a thinly veiled broth of vote grappling, and spike with pieces of women’s broken health, families torn asunder, and children dead and forgotten? You get something more messed up than the proverbial soup-sandwich.