Dawkins, and What to Do about a Baby with Downs
By Laura Perrins
Professor Richard Dawkins has been pontificating again, this time taking a break from his busy schedule to condemn parents who refuse to conform to the culture of death.
By Laura Perrins
Professor Richard Dawkins has been pontificating again, this time taking a break from his busy schedule to condemn parents who refuse to conform to the culture of death.
By Rob Gasper
“I have a two-year-old granddaughter thanks to your literature.” — F. Bandiera (Waterbury, Connecticut)
By Most Rev. Edward J. Slattery
As has been widely reported, a Satanic Black Mass has been scheduled for September 21 in Oklahoma City’s Civic Center.
By Michael Hichborn
Growing up, the thing I looked forward to most, every week, was the broadcast of old-time radio shows from 7-11 p.m. Sunday evenings.
By Audrey D. Cole
I wonder why discussion of end of life options comes mostly from people younger than I am.
By J. Pepper Bryars
Men are told that they don’t have a legal right or a moral role in the abortion issue. Many believe that it’s not only a woman’s right to choose, but it’s also a woman-only issue to debate.
By Rey Flores
“An increasing number of states have passed ‘informed consent’ laws, requiring that women seeking abortions be subjected to state-mandated informational materials that are often false or misleading.
By Karl D. Stephan
An MIT spinoff called MicroCHIPS has announced plans to market an implantable contraceptive chip that can be turned on and off remotely, and lasts for as long as 16 years.
By Michael Cook
After five million children, IVF is no longer controversial. Creating children in a Petri dish for infertile couples is regarded as so splendid a good deed that the scientist who created the technique, Robert Edwards, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2010.
By Rob Gasper
A recent column by feminist author Jessica Valenti took abortion-friendly politicians to task. According to Valenti, politicians like Hillary Clinton are stigmatizing abortion when they say it should be safe, legal, and rare.
By Mark Davis Pickup
The following was previously published in the Western Catholic Reporter, for the Edmonton Archdiocese.
By Leslie Tignor
Columnist Jessica Valenti recently wrote an article for The Guardian entitled “Women like sex. Stop making ‘health’ excuses for why we use birth control.