With the culture of death running rampant in our society, we crave the voice of reason, the voice of morality. Will Pope Francis be that voice?
With the culture of death running rampant in our society, we crave the voice of reason, the voice of morality. Will Pope Francis be that voice?
Even as the Congressional hearings over Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby parts [began recently], a group of women in Washington, D.C., is seeking to change the conversation around abortion.
As I presented this past weekend at the Bringing America Back to Life Convention in Nashua, New Hampshire, I found that most of the audience had not made a connection between the “culture of death” and a political ideology like Progressivism.
It’s hard to keep young children from being traumatized by the horrors of the abortion industry and the culture of death. But the reality is that, sooner or later, your kids will learn about abortion.
Several states have either passed or are near passing new laws that would effectively bar Planned Parenthood (sometimes by name) from receiving government money—including Medicaid reimbursements.
Do pro-lifers care about life after birth?
Earlier this week, the Lepanto Institute revealed that the president of the World Meeting of Families had donated thousands of dollars to political candidates that thoroughly support abortion and same-sex “marriage.
I am so sorry that I have wronged you. By my selfish actions, you have been denied your human dignity as a woman, reduced to a tool for my enjoyment, and pressured into casting away the motherly role that would have delighted your soul.
On Tuesday, September 1, the Center for Medical Progress released its ninth video which showed, once again, the horrors of Planned Parenthood’s procedures.
Across North America today, there are calls to make the birth control pill accessible over the counter.
Aden is a 20-year-old college student who had abdominal pain on April 1, 2015.
We sure do have short memories.