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Obama, Catholic Relief Services, and Doublespeak

The Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) latest scandal bears scrutiny because there is a distinct possibility that recent developments like this one contribute to the argument that, when it comes to the Obama administration’s HHS contraceptive mandate, the Catholic Church does not have a leg to stand on.

Who, Me? Lie?

Not too long ago we began hearing stories about the surcharges that are part of the Obama healthcare plan.

Contraception: The Avoidable Taproot

In all the commentary that has been written on the Obama contraceptive mandate, I have yet to see the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) pronounce the fact that, regardless of the president’s action, Catholic people should never fall prey to the evils of contraception.

Dark Times Require Bright Light

Ever since the January 20 Obama edict which denies freedom of conscience to those who honor the laws of God, there has been a black cloud hovering over much of the nation.