Komen, Planned Parenthood, and Catholic Ethicists: A Very Bad Heartache
One day last month a friend sent me a copy of a letter she had received from Eric Winer, the chief scientific advisor for Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
One day last month a friend sent me a copy of a letter she had received from Eric Winer, the chief scientific advisor for Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
Cecile Richards, the current president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), has repeatedly claimed that the root cause of abortion is unintended pregnancy.
Paula Gianino, CEO of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis region, is having a real problem with the effort to achieve legal recognition of personhood for all human beings—born and preborn.
Merriam-Webster defines telemedicine as “the practice of medicine when the doctor and patient are widely separated using two-way voice and visual communication (as by satellite or computer).”
When Stop Planned Parenthood International (STOPP) started in 1985, the man who had the brilliant idea could not fathom all that it would take to expose the ruthless tactics of Planned Parenthood.
In the face of intense pressure from the Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia, American Life League is asking parents to support Gov. Bob McDonnell’s continued stand against Planned Parenthood-style sex education.
Many years ago, when having a serious conversation about the pro-abortion cartel in America, the jolly Catholic priest with whom I was talking looked at me and, with a serious, Irish face said, “Judie! Come on! God is laughing, why aren’t you?”
A kiss—an expression of affection, greeting, respect, or love by use of the lips. Judas the Apostle sealed his betrayal of our Blessed Lord with a kiss for a mere 30 pieces of silver.
“Catholic health care institutions are not to provide abortion services, even based upon the principle of material cooperation. In this context, Catholic health care institutions need to be concerned about the danger of scandal in any association with abortion providers.”
Washington, D.C. (16 July 2010) – American Life League’s Stop Planned Parenthood International (STOPP) project has just rolled out a new web site designed to give communities… Read More »New STOPP Web Site a Tool for Activism Against Planned Parenthood
It is inspiring to witness tributes to those in the military who have put their lives on the line to protect the United States of America from unjust aggressors.
An interesting bit of trivia is floating around in the press these days. It seems that between 2002 and 2009, nearly one billion dollars was given to organizations that support abortion in some way.