How Do I Love Thee, Abortion?
By Judie Brown “How do I Love Thee?” the title of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s beloved poem, asks a crucial question. So devoted to the love… Read More »How Do I Love Thee, Abortion?
By Judie Brown “How do I Love Thee?” the title of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s beloved poem, asks a crucial question. So devoted to the love… Read More »How Do I Love Thee, Abortion?
By Judie Brown The world is turning upside down. One by one, people are dying like flies because they either want to die or because… Read More »The Death of Principle
By Judie Brown It is a mystery that any thinking human being could be in support of killing preborn children and yet claim to be… Read More »‘In the Middle’ of the Killing
By Judie Brown In early May, the White House press secretary informed the nation that the recently passed North Carolina extreme abortion ban would “interfere… Read More »The Extremist!
By Judie Brown In America’s disposable culture, it is not exactly shocking to learn how macabre words and actions can deceive. Cheerleader Brooke Skylar Richardson… Read More »A Cheerleader, an Abortionist, and Dead Babies
Today’s video examines what Christ teaches about care for His children.
What made this abortionist so angry recently?
The election is nearly upon us and we have seen an influx of irrational and senseless talk—talk we must know how to refute.
With our culture steeped in the lies taught by Planned Parenthood, isn’t it time we knew the truth?
The possible unionization of PP employees, a cross-country bus tour, and an action item highlight this week’s events.
Teaching the truths about homosexuality, chastity, adultery, and how God wants us to live our lives is not always an easy thing to do. Nor is living that life. But God asks that we do our best nevertheless, for our ultimate goal is eternity with Him. We cannot plead ignorance. We cannot justify that we chose otherwise. God’s word is the truth, and though some may try to silence those who tell the truth, it doesn’t change the facts.
The Daily Show’s John Oliver caught Secular Pro-Life’s attention because of an ignorant remark he made about a North Carolina Senate bill that addressed both abortion safety regulations and Sharia law.