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Why an Abortion-Minded America Cannot Be Great Again!

By Judie Brown

When Pope Francis visited the United States in 2015, he told a joint session of Congress:

All political activity must serve and promote the good of the human person and be based on respect for his or her dignity. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” (Declaration of Independence, 4 July 1776). If politics must truly be at the service of the human person, it follows that it cannot be a slave to the economy and finance.

In these few words, the Holy Father reminded our nation that when all people are not treated as equals, there can be no unbiased advocacy for the common good. This reminds us of Psalm 19:10, which says that the Lord’s “words are sweeter than honey, that drips from the comb.”

As true and reassuring as this statement is to those of us who know the Lord and love His commands, it is not so for the people of deception, derision, and detestation when the subject is the right to life. Only then do we see their true colors.

The inequality to which Pope Francis referred to years ago is in abundance, even though the mainstream media ignores the real stories that should be on the front pages.

The recent words of former president Joe Biden regarding the Equal Rights Amendment and the assured guarantee that it would provide for a potential “right” to abortion exemplifies the raging war against our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. In fact, it would seem that their imminent destruction is the man’s top priority.

And Biden is not alone.

Far too many people are so wedded to selling the right-to-abortion myth that they will stop at nothing to persuade America that abortion is as necessary as a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. There is only one stark difference in such an argument. While the second amendment provides for a means to defend oneself and others from an unjust aggressor, a “right” to kill a baby condones that aggression to the point of directly killing an innocent person.

Oxymoronic to be sure, but this is the result of an abortion-minded populace.

Perhaps one of the most stunning examples of this devotion to abortion comes from North Carolina governor Josh Stein. Under his executive order, state Cabinet agencies are directed “not to cooperate with prosecution and penalties against health care providers who provided legal reproductive health services, including abortion.”

In other words, the abortion junta is on the warpath, not just in North Carolina but in other states as well.

For example, in Ohio, proponents of killing the preborn do not want expectant mothers to be informed about the fact that their preborn baby has a heartbeat. Apparently, at least according to abortion mongers, “Antiabortion heartbeat bills are neither morally nor legally sound.”

What a strange headline given the fact that the topic is the sound of a baby’s heartbeat—a natural occurrence that somehow detonates all manner of illogical statements from the death crowd.

And in New Jersey, Governor Phil Murphy pledged to his constituents that he would stockpile abortion pills before Trump took office. Was this a scare tactic or a bloody showdown with the truth?

Either way, the words of commentator Elizabeth Jerrell ring true, more so today than when she wrote them a few months ago:

Once again a vision for America is uniting us, reaching across demographics and parties. It’s about much more than snooze-fest tax cuts with the New Right. It’s about striving for greatness. With brilliant minds such as Elon Musk at Trump’s side, the vision of greatness becomes tangible. We remember what heights of human achievement and flourishing are possible.

Thus, at a time when the stockpiling of the corpses of dead babies—killed by reproductive technologies, chemicals, and surgical instruments—is causing heinous crimes against the innocent, we are left to conclude: An abortion-minded America cannot be great again.