Better Off Dead?
In opposition is broadcaster and columnist Michael Coren and in support is Dr. Gifford-Jones. The main focus of “Do They Deserve to be Born?” is on a set of twins, now six months old, conjoined at the head.
In opposition is broadcaster and columnist Michael Coren and in support is Dr. Gifford-Jones. The main focus of “Do They Deserve to be Born?” is on a set of twins, now six months old, conjoined at the head.
The statement is probably long overdue, though it’s clear the Church has never condoned direct killing for any reason.
News reports can often be misleading. But recent news from the nursing profession and the consequences of what is being recommended leave no room for doubt. Something has gone terribly awry.
People who pretend otherwise must rely on sophistry and public ignorance about the reality of prenatal life to make abortion seem acceptable.
A recent headline brought a chilling awareness that life is no longer valuable at any stage. The headline from a British newspaper reads, “Fearful elderly people carry ‘anti-euthanasia cards.
A “helium hood” is the latest innovation from the sidelines where folks seem ever more committed to designing their own way of dying.
One of the most remarkable aspects of the digital information age is the ongoing use of polls—designed, I suppose, to make people feel like their opinion really matters.
There was a time when it would never have occurred to simple folk that murder would become a recommended solution to budgetary woes—both at a national and a state level. In fact, years ago, the very idea would have sent shivers down the spines of most people.
Have you noticed that people in this more nuanced wing of the euthanasia movement seem to be working from the same set of talking points?
Regarding the subject of palliative care, the Catholic Church has a common-sense position set forth in the 1980 Vatican document Declaration on Euthanasia where it is stated that, as long as the goal is not to intend the death of the patient, it is permissible to use painkillers.
Since becoming a grandparent, I have been annoying friends with pictures of my grandchildren.