The Tragic Reality of ‘Covert Euthanasia’
By Matt C. Abbott
Pope Francis has spoken about the tragic reality of “covert euthanasia.”
By Matt C. Abbott
Pope Francis has spoken about the tragic reality of “covert euthanasia.”
The Washington Post has a way with words when it comes to topics such as euthanizing the elderly and the dying. A recent headline, “A Humane Way to End Life,” caught my eye because of the underlying message that assisted suicide is actually a good idea.
The disposable mentality of our society had permeated into all areas of life, and now we see that even the sick or terminally ill are thought of in this way. How have we become a society that just wants to get rid of those whom we find it difficult to care for?
By Christopher M. Reilly
The pro-life effort is about defending the intrinsic value of each and every human life.
By Sean Murphy
An Ontario College of Physicians official, Dr. Marc Gabel, says that physicians unwilling to provide or facilitate abortion for reasons of conscience should not be family physicians.
By Mark Davis Pickup
The onset of multiple sclerosis is sudden. I went dead from the waist down. I could not distinguish something hot from something cold.
The life of a human being is something that should be treasured, valued, and respected. Yet we don’t see that in today’s society when it comes to a tiny preborn baby, a terminally sick individual, an elderly person, or anyone deemed unworthy or unwanted. More often than not, these people are seen as expendable or better off dead. We must change this twisted mindset.
Peace begins at home. But what happens when we willfully destroy the home and the people in it? As a society, we are in trouble, for there is a war being waged upon us. And if we don’t arm ourselves properly, we will lose this war. But the reality is that we will lose so much more than that.
By Mark Davis Pickup
I dream of a time when America and Canada will be life-affirming nations under God.
By Nancy Valko
I feel blessed to have grown up and become a nurse in the era of TV programs like Marcus Welby, MD; Ben Casey; and Medical Center.
By Mark Davis Pickup
The following was previously published in the Western Catholic Reporter, for the Edmonton Archdiocese.
It seems to be the mantra of today’s society that we are told to be tolerant and to just accept the changes in morality that occur almost daily. Belief in God’s commandments is scoffed at. Holding fast to faith is looked down upon. When we allow morality to fade away and tolerance to take over, the face of God is obscured and His teachings lost. The result is a society also lost a society aching and hurting.