The Loving Will
As a person who fully respects human life, you will want to ensure that your actual wishes are understood and carried out. Therefore, you will… Read More »The Loving Will
As a person who fully respects human life, you will want to ensure that your actual wishes are understood and carried out. Therefore, you will… Read More »The Loving Will
The goal of the euthanasia movement is, in effect, legal and social acceptance of death on demand. For at least some of those who can’t… Read More »Living Wills and Advanced Directives
Let’s say a close friend of yours is really sick. According to doctors and specialists, your friend has about a 20% chance of living through… Read More »Physician-Assisted Suicide
Some Arguments Against Voluntary Active Euthanasia Germain Grisez and Joseph M. Boyle, Jr., authors of Life and Death with Liberty and Justice (University of Notre… Read More »Arguments Against Euthanasia
1996: NOT DEAD YET (NDY) was founded. It is a national grassroots disability rights organization opposing the legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia. After Jack Kevorkian… Read More »The Disabled and Disability Organizations
Strategy Since the euthanasia movement’s goal is to legalize active, voluntary and, in some cases, involuntary euthanasia, what has to be legalized is what cannot… Read More »Strategy and Analysis of Strategic Concepts
We know that the internet alone has saved countless babies because of the availability of incredible 4-D ultrasound images like those presented in ALL’s Baby Steps video.
A basic knowledge of the history of the movement to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide—the so-called “right to die” movement—is essential for anyone who hopes… Read More »History of Euthanasia
The word “EUTHANASIA” comes from two Greek words, “eu” (good or easy) and “thanatos” (death) – or good death. Traditionally, euthanasia has meant an easy,… Read More »Euthanasia – Definitions of Commonly Used Terms
When Craig Ewert, an American living in Britain, contracted ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), his condition quickly deteriorated into total paralysis.
It seems that euthanasia is not a bad word but rather a simple health care option these days. The following examples make that clear.
An article was published recently that got my attention immediately. Like the writer, who is not a religious man, I have fallen into a category of people described by the mainstream media and proponents of death with dignity