Response to Chicago Sun-Times column on ALL ad
Unfortunately Carol Marin completely missed the boat in her attempts to malign American Life League’s efforts in protecting preborn children from the brutal death of abortion.
Unfortunately Carol Marin completely missed the boat in her attempts to malign American Life League’s efforts in protecting preborn children from the brutal death of abortion.
“The results of Terri Schiavo’s autopsy provide some answers concerning her physical condition,” said American Life League president Judie Brown, “but in no way do these findings justify the cruel death by dehydration that was imposed on a living human being.”
American Life League’s Crusade for Defense of our Catholic Church will hold a media event on Thursday, June 16, in front of the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago, the site of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops’ spring meeting.
This week, a documentary covering American Life League’s Crusade for the Defense of Our Catholic Church’s Summer Crusade for Life walks will be featured on EWTN.
American Life League will lead a pro-life prayer vigil outside of Planned Parenthood’s national conference at the Hilton Washington on Wednesday, April 13.
Although we are deeply saddened by the death of our beloved Pope John Paul II, we pause at this moment to reflect upon his steadfast efforts to celebrate the inherent dignity of every human person through his consistent writings and teachings about the sanctity of every human being’s life.
“The plight of Terri Schiavo has rightly raised concern about the care of the disabled,” said American Life League president Judie Brown.
This Friday, March 25, pro-lifers will participate in the solemn Way of the Cross, which re-enacts Christ’s road to crucifixion, at thirteen abortion clinics in Miami.
American Life League denounces the inhumane death sentence that will be imposed upon Terri Schiavo if Judge George Greer does not reverse his order to remove her feeding tube on March 18. “Judge Greer’s ruling is unconscionable,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
“Hollywood continues to pound the American public with the message that the lives of the disabled are not worth living; that such a life is a commodity that can be taken at one’s own whim,” said Shannon Flanagan, college outreach director of American Life League’s Rock for Life.
“At its roots, the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act ultimately establishes the legitimacy of abortion in federal law, and is therefore flawed legislation,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
At this year’s presidential inauguration, American Life League’s Rock for Life plans to serve as a silent voice for the millions of preborn babies killed by abortion.