Infuriating info
I just cannot stand it! As a resident of the state of Virginia I find it more than disturbing that a pro-abortion Catholic was just elected governor.
I just cannot stand it! As a resident of the state of Virginia I find it more than disturbing that a pro-abortion Catholic was just elected governor.
My how the tables have turned. For years abortion advocates have accused pro-lifers of asking Congress to meddle in medical decision making because of our efforts to define abortion as the act of killing that it is.
in this issue: hot button issue: ALITOabortion: MEDICAL MANAGEMENTabortion and rape: NEVER JUSTIFIEDabortion and state law: MISSOURIin vitro fertilization: WASTAGEpersonhood: ARIZONA / RIGHT TO LIFE ACTstem cell research: IMMORALvaccines: CLARIFYINGweb news: DEFEND LIFE /… Read More »Communique – Nov. 4, 2005
hot button issue: APPROVE ALITO / CELEBRATE LIFE / ROCK FOR LIFEcatholic bishops: BOSTON / SAN ANTONIOmedia: ABORTIONIST PROFILEpersonhood: RIGHT TO LIFE ACT ru-486: FEDERAL STUDYsperm banks: FAMILY TIESstem cell research: CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISORS… Read More »Communique – Nov. 30, 2005
in this issue: catholic education: CALIFORNIAeuthanasia: LIVING TO THE ENDhuman cloning: MISSOURIin memoriam: WELLINGTON MARAmorning-after abortion pill: REMINDERpersonhood: RIGHT TO LIFE ACT planned parenthood: KATRINA / WORLD POPULATIONpolitics: OREGONpractitioners: NEW JERSEYrhetoric: NARALru-486: CALIFORNIAstem cell research / ethical: CANADAstem… Read More »Communique – Oct. 28, 2005
Baylor College of Medicine in Texas is going to run a clinical trial that will invite couples to participate in a social experiment that permits them to choose the sex of the baby they want to have.
in this issue: hot button issues: EMILY’S LISTabortion: DOWN’S SYNDROMEcatholic action: CHARLESTON / FARGO / SACRAMENTOdark side: ARCC / NARAL / PLANNED PARENTHOODmorning-after abortion pill: REMINDERpersonhood: RIGHT TO LIFE ACT philippines: ABORTIFACIENTSru-486: AUSTRALIAstem cell… Read More »Communique – Oct. 21, 2005
Pro-death Senator Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) is proposing that the U.S. Senate wait until a “date certain” in 2006 to vote yes or no on the human embryonic stem cell research funding bill (HR 810/S 471) that would lift the ban on government funding for the deadly practice.
These are vexing times. We have seen the president nominate for a position on the Supreme Court a woman whose record is not just unclear but practically unknown.
What a joy it was to read a news story about a Catholic bishop taking a stand against the Culture of Death!
We all know that the Catholic Church is consistently attacked as being stuck in the dark ages because the Church refuses to recommend the use of condoms in preventing the spread of AIDS.
“Healing a person does not always mean curing a disease.” These words of hospice founder, Dr. Cicely Saunders, form the foundation for the hospice concept.… Read More »End of Life Care: What should I ask my local hospice?