Numbers show Planned Parenthood not welcome
In 1993, when Planned Parenthood operated 922 clinics in the United States, it began a campaign with the goal of having “2,000 clinics by the year 2000”.
In 1993, when Planned Parenthood operated 922 clinics in the United States, it began a campaign with the goal of having “2,000 clinics by the year 2000”.
It’s the holiday season and retailers all across the country are scurrying to attract shoppers into their stores.
The United Nations has declared today World AIDS Day, with the focus on ‘accountability.’ In light of this theme, American Life League poses the important question
in this issue: hot button issues: BISHOPS CONFERENCE / ROCK FOR LIFE / STOPP / TRAINING AND ACTIVISMelections: GOOD AND BAD NEWSeuthanasia: OREGONmorning-after abortion pill: DRUGSTORE.COM / MASSACHUSSETS /… Read More »Communique – Nov. 17, 2006
In the November 15 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ statement, “Happy Are Those Who Are Called to His Supper: On Preparing to Receive Christ Worthily in the Eucharist,”
South Dakota lawmakers, at least a couple of them, must be suffering from severe disorientation as they reflect on post election results.
in this issue: hot button issues: POST-ELECTION ANALYSIS / TOWARDS LONG-TERM VICTORYaction alert: PUBLIC COMMENT NEEDEDcatholic bishops: OLMSTEDcondoms: HYPEstem cell research / battling on: MISSOURIstem cell research / ethical: BREAST TISSUE… Read More »Communique – Nov. 10, 2006
The wee small hours of the morning caught many of us stunned by the results in South Dakota’s abortion referendum, and anxiety ridden over what might happen in Missouri’s human embryonic stem cell balloting.
American Life League is extremely disappointed that many citizens of South Dakota made the tragic decision to reject the Women’s Health and Human Protection Act, a law that had the potential to protect innocent children and women from the scourge of abortion.
We are profoundly disappointed that the state of Missouri, with the passage of Amendment 2, will now allow the categorical destruction of innocent human beings through cloning and embryonic stem cell research.
As many in mainstream media continue to spin their tale of woe hysterically exaggerating what the South Dakota abortion ban will actually accomplish if the citizens of that state uphold it in Tuesday’s election, one is left wondering
in this issue: hot button issues: MISSOURIabortion: BURNING BODIES / MAIL ORDER / RISK OF DEPRESSIONaction: CALIFORNIA / KENTUCKYbirth control patch: LAWSUITbirth control pills: BREAST CANCERcatholic bishops: MICHIGANreproductive technology / ethical: POPE… Read More »Communique – Nov. 3, 2006