2006 and preborn children
As the year comes to a close, dozens of commentaries will be written with the goal of encapsulating the entire year into a few thousand words.
As the year comes to a close, dozens of commentaries will be written with the goal of encapsulating the entire year into a few thousand words.
in this issue: hot button issues: PELOSIabortion: LATIN AMERICAbirth control: MALE CONTRACEPTIVEScatholic bashing: SAN FRANCISCOsexual health: PROPAGANDAstem cell research / analysis: NATUREvaccine: COMPULSORY HPV VACCINATIONreflection for prayer: SALVATION hot button issue PELOSI: Rep. Nancy… Read More »Communique – Dec. 29, 2006
“Planned Parenthood is an evil organization,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League, “and we are going to do everything in our power to oppose Planned Parenthood and its agenda in 2007.”
in this issue: hot button issues: PELOSIabortion: MID-LEVEL PROVIDERS / POST ABORTION SYNDROMEculture of death: CO-OPTING FAITHin vitro fertilization: THE CHILDnursing home injustices: FIRED FOR CARINGstem cell research legislation: MISSOURIstem cell… Read More »Communique – Dec. 22, 2006
The incipient speaker of the House of Representatives, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, is showing what I consider extreme arrogance, even for a pro-abortion figure in public life who claims to be a faithful Catholic.
As House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), a pro-abortion legislator who claims the Catholic faith, prepares to celebrate her new role, American Life League is imploring Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C. to intervene in an effort to prevent her from using the Mass for political gain.
Gosh, I hate to send my congratulations to the Washington Post, but I must. I am exceedingly grateful for the fresh insights they have provided by publishing the first such commentary I have ever read.
in this issue: hot button issues: PLANNED PARENTHOOD / RIGHT TO LIFE ACT / TRAINING AND ACTIVISMaction: CONTACT THE FDAcatholic diocese: TULSAeuthanasia: NEWBORNS VS. PREBORNSpopulation: GLOBAL WAR ON BABY GIRLSprenatal… Read More »Communique – Dec. 15, 2006
The pro-abortion Catholic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, who will be Speaker of the House this coming January, is flaunting her Catholic identity in the face of both Cardinal William Keeler of Baltimore and Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C.
I was saddened to learn of the death of very heroic pro-life lady, Judith Schiminsky, who suffered from severe cancerous tumors and debilitating lung problems.
“While the Right to Life Act failed to generate sufficient interest to schedule hearings in the House of Representatives, we will persist in our efforts to focus Congressional attention on this groundbreaking piece of legislation,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
in this issue: abortion: MISCARRIAGE / MOTHER SET FREE / ROE V. WADE AND STARE DECISISadolescents: FEAR OF INFERTILITYbirth control pill: CHEWABLEcloning humans: EGG DONOR RISKSculture of death: SCIENTIFIC FACT… Read More »Communique – Dec. 8, 2006