Quit the Catholic Church? Go Right Ahead!
When professed atheists begin suggesting to Catholics in name only that it’s time for them to leave the Church, there is something really good happening in America.
When professed atheists begin suggesting to Catholics in name only that it’s time for them to leave the Church, there is something really good happening in America.
Liberal Media Complicit in Fake ‘Lesbian Communion’ Controversy: ALL
As a mother, I can recall playing the Sesame Street game, “One of These Things Is Not Like the Other,” with our children when they were very young.
Individual conscience of Americans replaced by edict with Obama’s values: A.L.L.
The only folks who might have missed the fallacious claim that 98 percent of Catholics use contraception are those who have no newspaper or television set around. Lucky folks!
American Life League kicks off National Condom Week with graphic video on how Planned Parenthood hooks kid on sex
American Life League kicks off National Condom Week with graphic video on how Planned Parenthood hooks kids on sex
There is something intriguing and, at the same time, troubling about the upheaval being created by the Obama administration’s dictate regarding religious institutions and the right of conscience.
For those whose lives are not affected by facts, Planned Parenthood’s new campaign may seem appealing.
Obamacare Mandates May Cause Diocese to Drop Healthcare Insurance
Pro-life advocates have argued for years that abortion increases the risk of breast cancer — due to hormonal changes during pregnancy which leave breasts more… Read More »Pro-life advocates: Study shows link between breast cancer and abortion; cancer institute: no way
President Barack Obama has not yet decided whether to go forward with a proposed regulation under the health care law he signed last year that would… Read More »WH: Obama Undecided on Whether to Impose Regulation Forcing Catholics to Act Against Their Faith