Poll: Obama Losing Support Among Catholics
American Life League Nationwide Survey Reveals Dramatic Drop May Be Tied to HHS Mandates
American Life League Nationwide Survey Reveals Dramatic Drop May Be Tied to HHS Mandates
The confluence of events surrounding the Obama administration’s arrogant political use of Catholics is dreadful! The most recent announcement from the Obama campaign about a new 2012 division—known oxymoronically as Catholics for Obama—is one example of what I mean.
Shortly after American Life League’s “Open Letter to Cardinal Dolan” began reaching grassroots Americans.
Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-fil-A, made a simple statement that wound up creating an uproar among those who detest people of faith.
Much of the world looks to the Catholic Church, the largest religious denomination in the world, to provide leadership in the struggle to defend innocent human life increasingly endangered by an advancing culture of death.
Wisconsin Catholic Conference of Bishops Upholds the Sacredness of Each Human Being’s Life by Condemning the Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)
Recent revelations about the activities of Catholic Relief Services once again give us pause to wonder.
The Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) latest scandal bears scrutiny because there is a distinct possibility that recent developments like this one contribute to the argument that, when it comes to the Obama administration’s HHS contraceptive mandate, the Catholic Church does not have a leg to stand on.
Ever since Pope Paul VI issued his encyclical, Humanae Vitae, Catholic dissidents have tried their hardest to misrepresent the teaching.
To obstinately deny an infallible teaching of the Catholic Church is an act of heresy.
St. Paul was a ferocious defender of truth. When the Corinthian Jews turned against his teaching that said that Jesus was the Christ, St. Paul did not seek ways to placate them.
by: Rob Gasper The National Catholic Reporter (NCR), to put it charitably, is well known for its independent spirit and progressive leanings. According to NCR’s mission statement,… Read More »A Response to Recent Attacks on Catholic Teaching