Action Item of the Week – National Men’s March Set for June 3, 2023
The National Men’s March to Abolish Abortion and Rally for Personhood is officially set for Saturday, June 3, 9AM-12PM, in Albany, NY.
The Men’s March calls for men to “get off the sidelines and stand up for the full federal protection of the preborn without exception.”
Men will gather at 9AM outside the Planned Parenthood killing center (855 Central Avenue, 12206), where they will begin their march 2.6 miles to the New York State Capitol for the rally.
Women are invited to meet the march at the NYS Capitol at 10:45AM and join the rally (East Capitol Park, 82 Washington Avenue, 12210).
All participants are then invited to a post-rally luncheon and retreat at Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine in Auriesville (136 Shrine Road, 12072), where there will be a special guided tour of the sacred grounds, a Eucharistic Holy Hour with confessions available, and a 4PM Vigil Mass.
The evening before, on June 2, there will be a Men’s Retreat Night at the Shrine from 6-9PM in preparation for the events on June 3.
For more information, please visit
Week in Review – Contraception is the Root of it all: STOPP Uncovers New Details from Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report
On Wednesday, STOPP’s bi-monthly report on Planned Parenthood was published. Rita Diller, the program’s interim director, devoted the issue to a deep dive into the recent annual report from Planned Parenthood. The full report from Diller can be found here.
Today’s week in review features Diller’s breakdown of newly uncovered details about PP’s militant dedication to pushing out contraception—especially onto young people.
The sexual revolution that ushered contraception and abortion into society was spearheaded by Planned Parenthood and its cohorts. Contraception’s goal was and is to separate babies from sex, which would in turn cancel the marital bond between one man and one woman as a prerequisite for sex, literally breaking the family and creating a perceived “need” for abortion when contraception fails to block the conception of a child.
This has led to a society that has normalized contraception and is still attempting to normalize abortion, is constantly redefining marriage and even undefining gender—a society that does not value, welcome, or protect children. Instead, it seems to revolve around the idea of sexual pleasure—recreational sex without responsibility for the naturally flowing consequences. That sounds like Planned Parenthood’s dream world. In today’s verbiage, the plan is to cancel the family—leading to the woeful situation we see today where children—all of whom need their father’s and mother’s protection—are left adrift in this world to try to protect themselves and to shepherd themselves through all the ordeals this fatherless world is serving up to them.
Contraceptives—coupled with sex indoctrination that revolves around the preposterous idea that children are sexual from birth and can experience and have the right to their own “sexual pleasure”—groom children for abuse from the youngest ages. This is the heartless core of Planned Parenthood’s plan for our children.
Here is Planned Parenthood’s picture-by-the-numbers of its relentless quest to destroy the family through contraceptives.
Total contraceptive “services” (UP 7.1%): 2,348,274
Emergency contraceptive kits aka morning after pill (UP 7.4%): 1,650,350
Reversible contraception customers (UP 6.7%): 1,650,350
Male sterilizations (UP 24%): 2,857
Other contraceptive “services” (UP 10%): 151,948
Leading up to, and in the wake of the Dobbs decision, we see Planned Parenthood moving hard and fast to skirt and eliminate laws that protect preborn children from abortion. They have been focused on expanding Internet-based video appointments and pill abortions to reach pregnant moms in states where abortion may be restricted. Telehealth appointments are up a whopping 134%, as PP reports over half a million such appointments.
Meanwhile, the largest overall percentage increase—up 1,513%—is a category listed as “Other Procedures,” which includes transgender “services.”
This category shows a total of 256,550 procedures. PPFA brags in its report that 41 of its 49 affiliates provide what they term “gender-affirming hormone therapy.” It appears to be the next big frontier for Planned Parenthood and a guaranteed moneymaker, since attempts to change gender open the door to a lifetime of mandatory medical care and irreversible procedures.
Read the full Wednesday STOPP Report here.
Katie Brown, director of ALL communications, was a recent guest on the radio show Driving Home the Faith. Katie discussed the details from Planned Parenthood’s annual report as well as having hope amid evil chaos. Listen to the show linked here, Katie’s section starts at 1:36:00.
Katie recently penned an op-ed discussing Donald Trump’s CNN Town Hall appearance, pointing out that Trump is not in fact truly pro-life, but there is still hope. Read the article featured on LifeSiteNews linked here.
To celebrate Mother’s Day, Judie Brown released a statement celebrating mothers and motherhood. Judie also penned a commentary on how Church leaders have supported motherhood, which was published by Catholic World Report and can be found here.
Susan Ciancio, Celebrate Life Magazine editor and head of CLSP, writes a weekly commentary on timely pro-life topics. Her commentary this week was published by Catholic 365 and discussed the importance of foster families.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets, such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Pro-Life Social Media – Abortion Group Claims to Have the ‘Moral High Ground’
It has been a few months since we last peeked in on the crazy anti-Catholic rantings on Catholics for Choice’s Twitter feed. Take anything the Church teaches on faith and morals and, sure enough, C4C will take a position completely opposite, most especially on the dignity of nascent human life.
Pro-choice Catholics have the moral high ground.
— Catholics for Choice (@Catholic4Choice) May 17, 2023
That’s it. That’s the tweet.
Pro-life, faithful Catholics don’t claim to take the high ground because that runs contrary to humility.
That’s not Catholic.
— E-Knock (Catholic Rapper) (@CatholicKingdo1) May 18, 2023
Wow. There’s an actual song about not being Catholic?
There’s no such thing as a pro-choice Catholic.
— Gillian Campbell (@C76Gillian) May 18, 2023
That’s it. That’s the tweet.
You can’t claim the high ground when you’re funded by George Soros.
— Julie Claire 🍂 (@JulieOfAutumn) May 18, 2023
No good comes from an organization funded by Soros.
One cannot be Catholic and “pro-choice”, that’s the tweet. I’ve asked before but, please reference the portions of the Catechism you’re using to support your position. I’ll save you time, it’s not there.
— Uncle Billy (@ShermanCampaign) May 18, 2023
C4C can’t cite the Catechism because it is very likely the Catechism does not sit in the offices of C4C.
All I can tell you is that I REALLY want to be a fly on the wall for that meeting when you face God.
— Helena Handbasket (@BBisBack87) May 18, 2023