ALL mobilizes youth activists for Supreme Court hearings
American Life League is mobilizing youth activists at a series of events calling for justice in the Supreme Court confirmation process.
American Life League is mobilizing youth activists at a series of events calling for justice in the Supreme Court confirmation process.
Sen. Bill Frist’s announcement that he has reversed his opinion on the expansion of human embryonic stem cell research is beyond repugnant to many in the pro-life community.
“October 3, 2005 will be a day for all Americans to stop and reflect upon the gruesome war being waged upon innocent children in the womb,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
American Life League gratefully welcomes the return of some 50 volunteer 2005 Crusade for Life walkers, who spent the past ten weeks trekking across the United States spreading a simple, non-negotiable truth of the Catholic faith: You can’t be Catholic and pro-abortion.
Altered Nuclear Transfer-Oocyte-Assisted Reprogramming (ANT-OAR) is a process by which an experimental protocol would generate presumed pluripotent cells, but presumably not human embryos for research.
nesday, December 7, 2005 – By ALL “We couldn’t be more pleased with the positive reception Pro-Life Memorial Day has gained nationwide,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
Several courageous legislators in North Dakota certainly understand the urgency of ending abortion in this country.
At this year’s presidential inauguration, American Life League’s Rock for Life plans to serve as a silent voice for the millions of preborn babies killed by abortion.
American Life League denounces the inhumane death sentence that will be imposed upon Terri Schiavo if Judge George Greer does not reverse his order to remove her feeding tube on March 18. “Judge Greer’s ruling is unconscionable,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.
This Friday, March 25, pro-lifers will participate in the solemn Way of the Cross, which re-enacts Christ’s road to crucifixion, at thirteen abortion clinics in Miami.
American Life League’s Crusade for Defense of our Catholic Church will hold a media event on Thursday, June 16, in front of the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago, the site of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops’ spring meeting.
American Life League will hold a media event today at 2:00 p.m. in front of the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago, the site of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops’ spring meeting.