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Peculiar Penchants

It is perpetually true that when a genuine threat to the status quo becomes more than an idea in someone’s imagination, those who are most threatened by innovation become overcome with anxiety from which flows a whole lot of garbage.

Sanctimonious Swilling

It should have come as a surprise to no one that on the very day that President Obama is addressing the State of the Union, the Alan Guttmacher Institute has released a new “study” which, lo and behold, calls for more funding for family planning programs.

The Price of a Life: Guttmacher Institute Does the Metrics

The Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s research arm, released a pitch today for more taxpayer funding for ‘family planning services’ – contraception and abortion. Every dollar spent on ‘family planning programs’ saves the American people $4, the study says.

Death By Induction

Recently a friend advised me that St. Joseph’s Catholic Hospital in London, Ontario, Canada, was providing something called “early induction of labor” for expectant mothers based on physician claims, such as the one voiced 24 years ago, that if the preborn child was not delivered early, the mother would die.

Wicked Words

In Wisconsin, the University of Wisconsin and its allies are moving forward with the establishment of an abortion facility where second trimester abortions will occur.