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There appears to be a growing tendency among some pro-life Americans to gravitate toward compromise. Some have used Pope John Paul II’s Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of… 

Martyrdom for Life

Building a culture of life is not something for the weak of heart; that is well known among those of us who have labored in the pro-life vineyard for so many years.

Selective Killing Fields: POLST in Action

“In my practice, while I steadfastly refuse to write a prescription with lethal intent or otherwise help the patient commit suicide, I can share with the patient information that he or she already has the ability to exert control over the time [of] death.

Death and Catholic Church Teaching

Since 1968, vital organs, necessary for life, have been removed from patients for transplantation. Since then, this has been morally justified by the claim that the donor is “brain dead” or has suffered “cardiac death.”