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Babies Twisting in the Wind

Imagine being utterly helpless, wanting to cry for somebody-anybody-to come to your aid. Yet no one can hear you. No one comes for you; you are incredibly alone. And then suddenly there is intense pain and you can cry no more.

Making Babies without God

When people become blind to Church teaching and put their wants and needs above Our Lord’s, they lead their souls into jeopardy. It is not only then that our leaders should step in and intervene, but before this mentality takes hold. In a world saturated with selfishness and the absence of God, we desperately need leaders who lead.

Defending Preborn Earthlings on Earth Day

By Rey Flores
Once again the environmentalist crowd is reminding us to hug a tree. However, this year is Earth Day’s 45th anniversary, so these people are making it an even bigger deal than usual.

Men for All Seasons

Controversy appears to have adopted a different framework, and we now have a new adaptation of what it means to be outside the mainstream.

Catholic Bishops Who Dishearten

Catholic leadership often creates a level of discomfort among those of us who believe that today’s culture wars require saints and martyrs rather than politicians masquerading as bishops and priests.

What If?

By Melissa Pena
“What if?” These two tiny words, seemingly so innocuous by themselves, when put together have the power to haunt.