Why I Do This Job
By Melissa Pena
Working at American Life League, I frequently encounter one of two reactions when I talk to someone else about where I work.
By Melissa Pena
Working at American Life League, I frequently encounter one of two reactions when I talk to someone else about where I work.
Are you looking for a fun, engaging way to pray for the preborn, as well as teach your children about the miracle of life? Join Holy Heroes’ Spiritual Adoption Prayer Adventure-a 9-month program that follows the development of a preborn child from creation to birth!
Catholic bishops must lead by both word and example. Silence can show complicity; silence can show agreement. Bishops and other clergy must speak in defense of our faith each and every day. Lives and souls depend upon this.
This week, the legislature in the state of Michigan added a restriction to the state’s budget bill which states that any organization-like Planned Parenthood-that allows abortions will not be able to receive any state funding. In the past, Planned Parenthood received as much as $700,000 from the state. Although the legislators have shut that money down, the language in the budget bill will prevent any government official from circumventing the will of the legislature and of the citizens of Michigan.
Spiritually adopting a baby is not only rewarding for your entire family, but saves lives and souls.
When you join the Spiritual Adoption Program, you will receive:
• Twice monthly e-mails full of fun information about the baby’s growth
• Videos from Holy Heroes “Adventure Guides”
• Footage of a baby’s development in the womb
• Audio prayers to pray along with
• Printable activities
This 3-minute video highlights important information and facts about the program to show how important your prayers are to each and every baby.
American Life League kicked off National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week with a bang. Photos of pro-life youth completing tasks for the annual photo challenge have been pouring in. Roll Call picked up on the Congressional photo challenge-bonus task #500-and interviewed ALL’s NPLTW project manager Rey Flores in the process.
By Rita Diller
As Planned Parenthood tries every trick in the book to derail parents’ rights to direct the education of children in Hawaii, families are taking to the streets to send a loud, clear message: Stay out of our children’s lives!
By Rob Gasper
In his recent Crux piece entitled “Catholics around the World Can’t Afford ‘Luxury Issues,’” John Allen claims that “fuss[ing]” about scandals concerning Catholic identity is primarily the pastime of affluent cultures and churches.
Aside from the tragic reality that every abortion kills an innocent human being, studies are now finding a link between abortion and breast cancer. Opponents can refute this all they like, but the facts still remain.
American Life League, along with its more than 50 co-sponsor groups, kicked off ALL’s annual National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week photo contest today with an added bonus challenge that tasks pro-lifers to photograph themselves with a member of Congress while wearing a pro-life T-shirt.
American Life League continues the fight in support of Archbishop Cordileone’s efforts to strengthen Catholic identity in his schools. The Washington Times reported on ALL’s successful joint petition with LifeSiteNews.
What is covered with fur, lives either in the wild or in a zoo, and has no soul? If you answered that it’s the latest species to be protected over humans, then you would be correct! How is it that we have come to live in a world where animals are given more rights than human beings created in the image and likeness of God?