Only the Perfect Survive
Imagine a world in which only the perfect survive.
Imagine a world in which only the perfect survive.
We cannot run or hide from the reality that an abortion kills a preborn baby. Nor can we deny the many ways our nation kills babies each and every day. Don’t turn a blind eye to the facts. Educate yourselves.
Today we are “tweeted” to a sad representation of public opinion about the ease in which people kill their preborn babies.
Celebrate all mothers by helping people understand the truth of motherhood.
Planned Parenthood continues its reign of terror and destruction of lives.
This week’s video shows the beauty we all have within us.
Witness how ALL helps build a culture of life throughout the country.
Do you know the truth behind embryonic stem cell research? It’s not what many would have you believe.
To date, the federal government has spent in excess of $280 million on fetal tissue research. It has funded 95 institutions involved in this research.
Yes, you read that right. Iowa’s Planned Parenthood recently received a $5 million federal bailout as its 16th clinic closes its doors for good. Yes, 16 clinics have closed in Iowa since 2010!
Abortion—the great panacea. It will solve all your problems and make you happier. This is the great lie told by the abortion industry—a lie you should never believe.
According to, Dubuque’s Planned Parenthood is officially closed! Planned Parenthood had announced earlier this year that it would close the abortion center as soon as the building was sold. PP blamed the closing on a lack of patient numbers.