The Politics of 2018
You are the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and this past weekend was the 45th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions of the United States Supreme Court.
You are the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and this past weekend was the 45th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions of the United States Supreme Court.
These awesome photos from this year’s March for Life will make you cheer.
How does this elderly gentleman help babies?
Waiting to make your voice heard in the November elections might be detrimental.
This past week’s events make us hopeful for a future in which all babies are cherished.
What’s the latest news abroad and in America this week?
Like David fighting Goliath, we must fight Planned Parenthood until it falls.
This past weekend, women around the United States marched to assert that women’s access to abortion, synthetic birth control, and reproductive technologies are under serious threat.
Not a Part of His Dream
While we have no independent knowledge at this time on Cecile’s plans, it would not be a surprise to us if she decided to step down.
The culture of life is not an abstract concept. It’s a way of life directed by the deepest respect for the human person.
This amazing young woman won second place in CLSP’s Pro-Life Essay Contest. Read her inspiring words here.