Contraceptive Cancer
With God, all things are possible, even the eradication of a cancer that has infested our society for decades.
With God, all things are possible, even the eradication of a cancer that has infested our society for decades.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America released its 2016-2017 Annual Report on December 30, 2017.
In today’s guest commentary, Dr. Elizabeth Wickham writes about the low-profile wing of the euthanasia movement known as the Third Path.
What is higher education teaching these days? You won’t believe the nonsense spewed by this college student.
As dedicated pro-lifers, we often think that the best way to combat the culture of death is to do battle in the public sector—debate with co-workers, pray outside abortion clinics, or call our representatives.
What’s happening at PP clinics across the country?
What do the new PP numbers tell us?
Take the time to stand up for the innocent preborn who cannot speak for themselves.
See the difference this family makes in the lives of unwanted children.
What is Planned Parenthood saying about your religion?
Resolve this year to teach the truth that a baby’s life begins at his biological beginning, not at some arbitrary time determined by a government official.
At the beginning of the year, millions of Americans make resolutions for the coming year.