By Judie Brown
We are disgusted by everything Planned Parenthood does, and its most recent effort to shut down its competition drips of wanton decadence. Apparently, the abortion behemoth does not like the competition it is receiving from online, do-it-yourself abortion resources like the Digital Defense Fund and guides to abortion resources.
In a biased review, Planned Parenthood Keystone says, “If you’re accessing medication and you’re not sure where it’s coming from, it’s maybe not regulated. You don’t know exactly what it is. That can definitely be a problem. Potential complications can be bleeding, infection, those kinds of things.”
Apparently, competition requires PP to perform due diligence prior to using a service not connected to its organization. One might get the impression that Planned Parenthood actually cares about the human beings being used, but then again, we know the reality: They use, abuse, and destroy people every day. It is a sort of business model for them.
This may sound pessimistic, but in our age of aggressive pursuit of immorality, we are required to be suspicious of any and all efforts to protect bottom lines that are saturated in the blood of the innocent.
Planned Parenthood provides preliminary appointments via telehealth. Similar services are available from other abortion providers, including All-Options and Hey Jane. In each case there is no information about the horrors or dangers of abortion, just recommendations on how and when to ensure that your baby is no longer in your life.
This is where we are!
In the face of so much evil, we cling to the teachings of the Lord, His 10 Commandments, and His unbelievable love for each of us.
As if it were yesterday, I recall the reminder that Father John Hardon, SJ, mentioned to me during one of our many conversations. The only way to fight evil, he said, was to be faithful to Christ, the Eucharist, and the Church herself. He explained that all manner of sexual sins would work together to cripple humanity, but he understood how to stop that as well. In his invaluable “Catholic Catechism on Homosexuality,” Father Hardon wrote, “One of the main contributors to the plague of sodomy which has infected the modern world is the claim that sexual union is allowed before marriage. This erroneous opinion is not only contrary to Christian morality, it opens the door to the claim that two people can have mutual sexual experience independent of the purpose for which God created the two genders of men and women. The desecration of the sexual powers outside of marriage opens the door to the degeneration of homosexuality.”
Those words are as genuine today as they have ever been, if not more so. Praising God for His infinite wisdom in creating us male and female, we remember that only through the Truth will we touch the hearts and souls of our fellow human beings on our journey toward our eternal reward.
Join me and be a witness to the beauty of Christian morality.