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Statement: Unanswered Questions Scandalize Faithful

As information slowly disseminates from the diocese of Richmond in the wake of the abortion facilitated by Commonwealth Catholic Charities, we call on Bishop Francis DiLorenzo and the rest of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops to commit to accountability by answering the many questions left by this latest episode of apparent child abuse and subsequent deadly assault on a preborn child.

Planned Parenthood Sells Sex at Wal-Mart

Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion chain in the country, has teamed up with a Wal-Mart Supercenter, an affiliate of the largest retailer in the country, in an effort to supersize its campaign to sell sex to children.

AMA Attacks Pro-Life Pharmacies

The American Medical Association attacked pharmacists’ right to refuse to dispense contraceptives, including those which may cause abortion, at its June 11-14 Board of Trustees’ annual meeting.