Ouch! That hurts?
Since when do doctors have to tell us that it is acceptable to take someone’s life simply because they allegedly do not feel pain?
Since when do doctors have to tell us that it is acceptable to take someone’s life simply because they allegedly do not feel pain?
Ever wonder why editorial writers, even on the pro-life side of things, place so much credence in opinion polls? When discussing why most Americans really don’t accept the sweeping Roe v. Wade/ Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court decisions of 1973
Have you ever had an “I think I know you, but I can’t recall your name” moment when you see a familiar face at a gathering? And even worse, have you said, “Hi, Jane,” only to blush in embarrassment at the reply, “I’m sorry but my name’s Ruth”?
When Jerry Falwell writes a column and calls me a junkyard dog, he isn’t kidding! And what he refers to is quite simply another in the long line of activities American Life League has developed to keep everybody’s eye on precisely what pro-lifers are supposed to be doing — saving babies!
Senator Bill Frist is home in Tennessee telling his listeners that he is pro-life, has a pro-life voting record, but as a heart surgeon he is “used to talking living tissue from one person and transplanting it to give life to someone else.”
Kelly Taylor is 28 years old and while not terminally ill, does suffer from a congenital heart condition that she does not wish to live with.
It’s always amazing to read about what Planned Parenthood plans to do about forcing death on the unsuspecting.
The news report that British experts in human embryology have the technology to allow parents to choose non-defective human embryos is more than disturbing.
There is a continuous theme running through the Planned Parenthood Federation of America web site, a recurring message that equates “pro-life” with violence.
As a society, we love to count things. In fact, we count almost anything that can be counted. Whenever there are a lot of things to count, official counters seem to pop up
Sen. Bill Frist betrayed the babies. So what does National Right to Life have to say? Oh, not much really. Their pro-Republican but not-so-sure-about-pro-life position is that they are “disappointed” with Frist for supporting human embryonic stem cell research.
Senator Richard Durbin, who defines his religious identity as Catholic, is very, very confused. He says that even though he used to oppose abortion consistently