Pharmacist pawns
What happens when a pharmacist cannot in good conscience fill a prescription for the birth control pill because he knows the pill aborts?
What happens when a pharmacist cannot in good conscience fill a prescription for the birth control pill because he knows the pill aborts?
A seemingly innocuous news release was distributed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ media office earlier this month.
It seems a federal judge agreed that a female prison inmate could have a little furlough. You see she is with child, which actually means she’s a mom, but she doesn’t want her baby and asked for permission to have her baby aborted.
Bill Wilson of Family News in Focus reports that the pro-death leadership, including the Nnational Family Planning and Reproductive Health Assoication
American Life League president Judie Brown issued the following statement regarding the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on John Roberts’ nomination as Chief Justice of the United States.
The headline said, “Pro Life Groups Praise John Roberts…” and I nearly gagged. Why is any pro-life group praising Roberts? Because George W. Bush promised he’d be a good Supreme Court justice? Come on, guys, pay attention!
Christen Gilbert was a 24-year-old young woman with Down Syndrome. She was violently sexually assaulted, she became pregnant
While it does not come as any surprise to me that the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology has just announced their opposition to their fellow ob/gyns who voice the choice NOT to abort a child
There are very few of us who have not heard about “sexual predators,” people who victimize children and do so with wretched regularity.
Dr. David Reardon of the Elliot Institute reports that a group of international health experts have published a study disclosing that 94 percent of maternal deaths associated with abortion are not identifiable from death certificates alone.
The National Abortion Federation has exhibited a most disgusting twist on charitable giving.
Just like a mime, Roberts took the party line during hearings by saying that Roe v. Wade/Doe v. Bolton is “settled law,” but he avoided saying how he might rule. Of course nobody can say how he would rule because a particular case would first have to be under consideration by the U.S. Supreme Court.