When it’s not about you!
Women are told that reproductive health services are designed to better their lives. They are also told that anti-abortion zealots are infringing upon these services.
Women are told that reproductive health services are designed to better their lives. They are also told that anti-abortion zealots are infringing upon these services.
I am flabbergasted and aghast, not to mention madder than … well, I’m quite steamed. So many news items have come rolling off the Internet lately ?
I’ve had a number of folks comment on my appearance on Alan Colmes’ radio show this past Friday evening. It was a great experience
When I read the latest from a Planned Parenthood afficianado, it nearly made me … well, I had just eaten. At any rate, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined a man making jewelry out of old, expired birth control pills!
Boehner, a Roman Catholic and graduate of Xavier University in Cincinnati, declared his intention to continue to fight for the rights of the unborn. He addressed a House Values Action Team by letter Tuesday
This past weekend I listened to a pro-life Republican Catholic senator explain why it was acceptable for him, from a political perspective, to support the re-election campaign of a totally pro-abortion fellow Republican.
Reading the pro-life commentary following and leading up to the annual March for Life always bothers me more than a little.
The U.S. Supreme Court, in Gonzales v Oregon, is continuing its pattern of ruling against traditional morality. Once again the dignity of the human person and his innate identity as a member of the human race was subjugated to the false argument of “choice” divorced from right reason.
When I read the latest news about pharmacist Heather Williams, who was fired by Target because she refused to fill prescriptions for abortive drugs like the morning-after pill, I was reminded of a simple, but oft overlooked fact:
The U.S. Senate faces a bit of a quandary. Do they create a bogey man out of Judge Samuel Alito and persist in misrepresenting his, to be frank, nebulous record, or do they face the honest facts and vote on his qualifications, period?
It is always a challenge to remain calm when the news reports on the March for Life begin pouring into the e-mail box or the actual “in” box at my office.
I almost feel sorry for the people at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. It’s obvious that they are in the middle of an identity crisis and their affiliates are acting schizophrenic.