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It might be a sin?

In a Zenit news report, we read: “Archbishop Levada suggested that the synod, in its small-group discussions, debate the problem of Catholics ‘who do not understand why it might be a sin to support a political candidate who is openly in favor of abortion or other serious acts against life.'”

Paying for murder? Or outlawing murder?

While some Florida pro-lifers are interested in passing a state constitutional amendment that would curtail state funding of research on human embryos, research that requires killing these little persons, something more fundamnetal is needed.

Cocktail madness

Canadian abortionist Ellen Wiebe is revelling in her personal recommendation that the way to solve the problem of “unwanted” babies in her native Canada is to provide a “cocktail” containing methotrexate plus misoprostol.

Human beings rescued

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina we learned of a rescue effort that resulted in the protection of 1,200 human embryos, previously residing in canisters in a fertility clinic, had to be moved to a hospital prior to the hurricane.

Pharmacist pawns

What happens when a pharmacist cannot in good conscience fill a prescription for the birth control pill because he knows the pill aborts?