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WSR: 2024-09-04

  • The Murderous Dog That Isn’t Barking
  • Planned Parenthood’s Latest Study Is Misleading and Hyperbolic
  • Call to Action

By Ed Martin

Wow. The silence from Congressional Republicans on life is deafening. And sickening.

In order to keep the government from closing down, Speaker Mike Johnson and the Republican-led House of Representatives must pass a Continuing Resolution during September. They are happily discussing what to fund and what to cut and even adding protection for the upcoming election.

But what is missing is any consideration of defunding Planned Parenthood. Not even a word has been heard. Disgusting. And while we have become accustomed to the lack of courage by our so-called pro-life leaders, it is worth pausing to note how extraordinary it is to be completely ignored.

Recall that Planned Parenthood receives close to $1 billion in federal taxpayer money each year. This includes domestic spending as well as foreign aid. It uses the money to kill babies and to pay for politicians at every level. Planned Parenthood proudly boasts of its massive spending for pro-abortion statewide initiatives in places like Ohio, Florida, and Missouri.

All the elected officials in Washington know these facts, and they know that the money is used to kill babies. Yet we see no courageous pro-life leaders demanding that we defund Planned Parenthood in a Continuing Resolution. What a failure.

There are many reasons to be optimistic about the future of America, but there is one reason to remain pessimistic: the failure of pro-life leaders to fight for life. And even more telling, as the Hound of Baskerville taught us, is the silence of those leaders in the face of the evil they know.

Take a moment this month to demand that Speaker Johnson and all the so-called elected officials speak about and then defund Planned Parenthood.

By Katherine Van Dyke

Planned Parenthood released a new data report that claims that nearly eight out of 10 Americans approve of Planned Parenthood’s role in local communities. However, a closer look into this report shows just how misleading this claim is, as the abortion giant surveyed only 2,205 adults in the US and within a two-day period. With this number of people polled compared to the US’ current population of nearly 346 million people, 2,205 adults is hardly a reliable estimate of what the rest of the country knows and thinks about Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood’s August 26 press release highlighted some of its stats to show the “overwhelming and widespread trust in Planned Parenthood and support for the organization’s mission”:

  • Nearly all adults (96%) agree it’s important for people of all incomes to have access to reproductive health care.
  • Three-fourths of adults (74%) trust Planned Parenthood, with trust ranking highest among Black (83%), AAPI (78%), and Latino (74%) communities.
  • Three-fourths of Americans (74%) would be concerned about the loss of affordable reproductive health and preventive care services if Planned Parenthood no longer existed.
  • Americans strongly believe Planned Parenthood health centers should receive government funding to provide care to patients with low incomes. Over nine in ten adults (91%) say it’s important for the federal government to provide funding for people with low incomes to access reproductive health care.
  • More than three-fourths of adults (77%) say they trust Planned Parenthood to provide them with honest information, including 93% of liberals and more than half of conservatives (55%).
  • Nearly a third of adults (31%) have learned about sexual and reproductive health from a Planned Parenthood source, such as its website or sex education programs.

Alexis McGill-Johnson, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, also released a statement on this data. She said: 

This new data confirms what we know to be true: The majority of Americans view Planned Parenthood as integral to the health and well-being of their communities. From affordable birth control to sex education and resources, millions of people across backgrounds and beliefs rely on Planned Parenthood for essential and affordable health care and trusted information. While courts and politicians continue to try to take away our freedoms, the data makes one thing clear: Patients and communities are counting on us. And we won’t let them down.

What is also worth noting here is that, according to Planned Parenthood’s own data collected from its 2023 Annual Report, the abortion giant’s expenses declined 8% within the last five years for its community engagement and went down 8.2% in healthcare support. 

As for its “services,” Planned Parenthood’s data shows that 14 of its 23 services have decreased significantly since FY 2017-2018, while abortions increase each year (not accounting for the number of unreported abortion pill sales from the abortion organization).

While Planned Parenthood surely has the support of our government, which has continued to fund hundreds of millions to the abortion organization for decades, it is inaccurate to say that most Americans support Planned Parenthood and its role in the community, especially if they knew how their tax dollars were really being spent. 

If the organization can get away with not reporting its abortion pill numbers—a significant portion of its “business”—then how can one truly trust what it reports? What is certain is that Planned Parenthood makes significant amounts of money off baby killing, selling aborted fetal body parts, sterilizing men and women, and providing gender hormone pills to teenagers. And that is enough to not trust it. 

What also remains certain is that STOPP will not stop its mission in exposing Planned Parenthood for what it is and assisting communities around the globe in getting Planned Parenthood out of their classrooms and communities. 

We must defund Planned Parenthood.

Please take five minutes to dial the US Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Ask the operator for Speaker Mike Johnson’s office and leave a message plainly and respectfully: “Please defund Planned Parenthood. We don’t need to spend that money.” Leave your name and email address and say “thank you.”

If we all make this call, I promise it will make a big difference. I have been in a congressman’s office when his staff has said “We received 10 calls on this; what’s going on?” 

A little push can start a big ball rolling!

Because so many of you asked for it, we have just created a new express email address so you can easily get in touch with us at STOPP. Over the past few months, we have found that people had questions, comments, and other information that they wanted to relay to us.  

The email address will be monitored 24 HOUR A DAY. If you have any questions or tips for us, please send them to

Momentum is building in the fight against Planned Parenthood. In the past three weeks alone we have had four different local pro-lifers contact us so we could begin a plan for working together. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us about getting Planned Parenthood out of your town. We must keep building our army of informed citizens.

Planned Parenthood is an enemy of life, and we need to fight back. I hope to hear from you.