Love Life? Tell Its Beautiful Story!
God has given us a wonderful gift. Not only should we be thankful, but we should proudly tell others.
God has given us a wonderful gift. Not only should we be thankful, but we should proudly tell others.
On the Feast of the Holy Innocents, remember also the millions of babies lost because of abortion.
Does the impending administration have Planned Parenthood running scared?
The possible unionization of PP employees, a cross-country bus tour, and an action item highlight this week’s events.
In a world where so many live in darkness, and selfishness reigns supreme, American Life League illuminates the path and teaches the way to the light of Christ.
The media in today’s society seems to have strayed from the truth to its own agenda. With each passing story, we see the detrimental effects of the words and the coverage thrown at us on a daily basis.
If Planned Parenthood were a patient (at least one they haven’t aborted), it could be diagnosed with one of many behavioral disorders.
Do you remember the first time you understood what abortion really does to women and babies?
A pregnancy help center fights back against a city council, while a leader in the pro-abortion movement rejoices in bloodshed.
This week we see bogus charges dismissed and a political party allying itself with the largest abortion chain in the nation.
When pro-abortionists are thirsty for the blood of innocent children, how do we stop them? How do we save lives?
Though the government favors Planned Parenthood, the American public is beginning to see right through its lies.