The Supreme Court and Government–Enemies of the People
The disturbing actions of our government became increasingly prevalent this past week.
The disturbing actions of our government became increasingly prevalent this past week.
Total protection of every innocent preborn human being must be the focus.
Taking action and educating about the humanity of the preborn baby is of utmost importance in today’s culture.
Even ardent Planned Parenthood supporters are crying foul over the indictment of investigative journalists David Daleiden and his associate, Sandra Merritt.
This week we saw senseless loss of life and grieved for and with our fellow Americans, but we also rejoiced in the blessings of those striving to live the culture of life.
This week we see an ironic development in the baby body parts case, and ALL releases an educational pamphlet about preborn babies.
What could happen to you or your loved one upon entering the hospital or hospice? Remain vigilant; in today’s world, you never know.
As the Supreme Court reviews a law intended to protect women and babies, we must turn our prayers to the Lord for His guidance.
Several states have taken a stand against the culture of death recently. See what they have accomplished.
Now is not the time to be silent. Join us next week in the nation’s capital for prayer.
What is it exactly about babies that causes the disdain of Planned Parenthood and its supporters?
A recent study released by TxPEP and published in the New England Journal of Medicine is flawed and without merit. Proponents of abortion and contraception trumpet the “results” while ignoring studies own claims of inaccuracy.