Coaching Us on Respect for Life and Truth
One special family teaches us that all life is precious and that every child should be treasured and his life fought for. This example of parental love will warm your heart.
One special family teaches us that all life is precious and that every child should be treasured and his life fought for. This example of parental love will warm your heart.
By Michael Cook
After five million children, IVF is no longer controversial. Creating children in a Petri dish for infertile couples is regarded as so splendid a good deed that the scientist who created the technique, Robert Edwards, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2010.
Just as an earthly mother takes care of her children, so does our Blessed Mother. She is there for us in times of sadness, in times of despair, and in times of happiness as well. Her love is unceasing. This is why ALL has asked for her help in saving innocent preborn babies. Peacefully and prayerfully protesting, while asking for the intercession of our Blessed Mother, has borne fruits we never could have imagined.
By Joanne Moudy
As quickly as states like Texas, Arizona, and Kansas pass new definitive laws designed to protect women and children against subpar health standards in abortion clinics, pro-abortionists challenge those laws in court, purportedly on the grounds that said laws will restrict access to care and thus limit a woman’s right to affordable healthcare. But reality says that isn’t so.
As we enter into Holy Week, we are constantly reminded of God’s never-ending love for us of the torment Christ went through so that we may spend eternity with Him. But we must make that choice. We can choose to follow Him or we can choose to follow worldly things. There is no better time than Holy Week to examine our actions, to make changes, and to set ourselves straight. We must never forget the purpose of life to someday look Christ in the eye and be invited into His arms.
Teaching the truths about homosexuality, chastity, adultery, and how God wants us to live our lives is not always an easy thing to do. Nor is living that life. But God asks that we do our best nevertheless, for our ultimate goal is eternity with Him. We cannot plead ignorance. We cannot justify that we chose otherwise. God’s word is the truth, and though some may try to silence those who tell the truth, it doesn’t change the facts.
By Dennis Howard
The success of a new Texas law prohibiting abortion unless the abortionist has hospital admitting privileges within 30 miles of the abortion is a major step ahead in the abortion battle.
By Paul E. Rondeau
The leadership of Girl Scouts of America, once a trusted purveyor of American values, has been moving to the left for over a decade.
A sweet newborn baby being loved and doted upon, every movement and sound watched and carefully noted. Sounds like a typical newborn human baby, but in this case, we are talking about a baby animal. Recently we were given a sad example of just how much more our society values animals than preborn babies. This discrepancy should sicken your stomach, should make you think, and should lead you to action.
he case just got stronger for defunding Planned Parenthood.
In philosophy, we are taught that the first words are the most important in an argument.
By Rey Flores
Unless souls are saved, nothing is saved; there can be no world peace unless there is soul peace.