The Tsunami of Despair
Though despair may often seem to permeate our society, we must never let it wash over us. The love of Christ and His teachings will help us find a way through and will lead us directly to His loving embrace.
Though despair may often seem to permeate our society, we must never let it wash over us. The love of Christ and His teachings will help us find a way through and will lead us directly to His loving embrace.
As the 4th of July approaches, we must take time to reflect upon our freedom and upon those who fought so hard for it. And we must never forget to thank the One who gave us that freedom.
When the culture of death prevails, innocent and defenseless people get hurt or killed. How do we stop this?
Our society has fallen out of accord with Christ. How can we restore that harmony?
Judie Brown issues a challenge to us all. Will you accept?
As Easter approaches, let us reflect upon the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf and about the countless blessings He continually bestows upon us.
The sanctity of marriage is under attack in our society.
Have you heard the disturbing news about the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life?
The pro-life movement has grown immensely over the past few years.
Jesus gave His life so that we might live with him in eternal life. This incredible gift is ours if we follow His teachings and examples. Yet some are willing to throw this away.
As Christmas draws closer, let us remember those who are hurting. We are called to be their champions, not their executioners.
[Last month’s] top CWN headline story, about problems with the sex-education guide issued by the Pontifical Council for the Family, sheds more light—or perhaps I should say, casts a darker shadow—on a story that appeared earlier this month, about new appointments to the Roman Curia.