A Word about Justice
Though many have pushed God aside, wanting only superficial or hedonistic pleasures, He will always be there waiting with open arms. We simply need to open ours as well.
Though many have pushed God aside, wanting only superficial or hedonistic pleasures, He will always be there waiting with open arms. We simply need to open ours as well.
In a world in which outside attacks on our faith are more frequent and more damaging, we must remain strong. We must never stray from God’s will or from His teachings. To do so endangers our souls.
Former abortion provider Carol Everett has said that sexual education programs “break down the natural modesty (of students), they separate them from their parents and their values.”
Does it surprise you that PP would take a tragedy and attempt to spin it toward its own self-serving needs?
In a world teeming with immorality, we desperately need a way to guide our children down the path toward God. American Life League will show you how.
Babies lost to the slaughter of abortion, contraception, and in the science lab should not be remembered on just one day a year. If we want to change hearts and minds—and save lives—we must remember them each and every day.
The culture of life is not an abstract concept. It’s a way of life directed by the deepest respect for the human person.
One small cry is all that it might take. Will yours be the voice?
Pope Francis’ visit to Mexico was filled with love, charity, and kindness—all qualities we should emulate as we try to build a culture of life.
We have gotten to a point where we no longer value the precious people around us—babies, the elderly, the sick. When they need us most, we abandon them. Is this what Christ would teach?
Teaching your kids about the sanctity of human life is fun and rewarding.
As the year draws to a close, we reflect upon the past year and look ahead toward one that we know will bring hope, joy, and love.