Pope Francis, Abortion, and Mercy
We have all been taught that forgiveness is a beautiful thing. But, with the recent words of Pope Francis, we see just how beautiful and healing forgiveness truly is, and how these words can nourish.
We have all been taught that forgiveness is a beautiful thing. But, with the recent words of Pope Francis, we see just how beautiful and healing forgiveness truly is, and how these words can nourish.
At this time of year, we give thanks for all the blessings we have and those blessings yet to come.
We celebrate joy and love during this special month of adoption awareness.
Pope Francis gave a historic speech last week to the United States Congress.
Judie Brown, president of American Life League, the oldest national Catholic pro-life education and advocacy organization in the United States, issued a statement in response to Pope Francis’ letter announcing a special Jubilee Year of Mercy, authorizing priests worldwide to absolve the sin of abortion when penitents follow prescribed action, including participation in the sacrament of reconciliation.
Last Friday’s Supreme Court decision regarding the union of two people of the same sex should come as no surprise to anyone involved in defending human beings from creation to death.
Man wants to be so independent that he is leaving God out of more and more of his life. We push Him aside, searching for what’s fun for the here and now, and not really caring about morality, about other people, or even our own well-being. What happens to a society that lives like this? What happens to our souls?
By Mark Davis Pickup
There was a change in how I viewed being chronically ill for more than three decades.
Next week we honor the millions of children slaughtered needlessly at the hands of abortionists. It’;s the perfect time to remember the importance of actions and the necessity of speaking for those who have been silenced. And, as we look around us at the March and in our homes, may we be energized by the faces and actions of those who dedicate their lives to the sanctity of every human being.
Peace begins at home. But what happens when we willfully destroy the home and the people in it? As a society, we are in trouble, for there is a war being waged upon us. And if we don’t arm ourselves properly, we will lose this war. But the reality is that we will lose so much more than that.
We’ve heard a lot about excessive force lately. But, in reality, those who fight day in and day out for preborn babies know all too well another meaning of excessive force. We see each and every day the slaughter of countless babies, yet this lawful practice is allowed to continue. What can be worse than excessive force perpetrated upon the smallest and most innocent of all?
Caring for a sick or dying loved one is stressful and confusing in itself, but add the stressors of dealing with a doctor or hospital who may not have the patient’s best interests at heart, and it becomes even more traumatic. Questions abound and answers must be sought. But where to begin? Today’s commentary offers help and a light in the darkness.