Planned Parenthood Partners with Dating App
In yet one more way, PP has insinuated itself into the lives of single people looking for companionship.
In yet one more way, PP has insinuated itself into the lives of single people looking for companionship.
It’s not just the Democrats trying to retain federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
Did you know that the Negro Project was one of the first ways Planned Parenthood tried to rid the country of black people?
Does PP want you to know what really goes on behind its doors?
Over the last few months, much discussion and even some violence have surrounded the existence of statues and other reminders of the American Civil War.
What did people have to say to PP’s latest tweeted question?
Though pro-lifers are making strides in the political sphere, we must never cease our efforts.
Planned Parenthood actually thinks that people need emojis showing a cartoon uterus.
Never forget that your action and your voice can make a huge difference.
This past week, Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund revealed a desperate effort to save their joint corporate existence.
“Are you against the Confederacy?” I couldn’t help but laugh at the desperate question thrown at President Trump during Tuesday’s press conference.
What’s happening this week with taxpayer funding of abortions?