Do You Truly Understand the Implications?
Examine the facts and the reality behind the largest abortion business in the country.
Examine the facts and the reality behind the largest abortion business in the country.
It comes as no surprise that Planned Parenthood has an organized campaign against our young people.
We live in a society that cares more for animals than human beings. How do we combat this?
Taking a stand for something you believe in will always reap benefits.
At the STOPP offices, we field questions about Planned Parenthood on a daily basis.
The culture of death continues to attempt to draw us in, smother us with its lies, and wash away all knowledge of what is good and true. But we have the antidote.
While the Trump administration wants to protect babies, Planned Parenthood wants to kill them.
Do you know the difference between a lie and the truth?
This was a week full of events and stories you don’t want to miss.
What is Planned Parenthood trying to get us to believe now?
Planned Parenthood Federation of America has gone from 791 facilities in 1985 (the year we started) to 610 facilities today.
We challenge you to follow in the footsteps of a Marine general and shine the light of truth on PP’s nefarious practices.