Action Alert: ALL’s New Meta-Study Shows Planned Parenthood Not Delivering on Promises-Time to Defund!
he case just got stronger for defunding Planned Parenthood.
he case just got stronger for defunding Planned Parenthood.
American Life League kicks off National Condom Week with graphic video on how Planned Parenthood hooks kids on sex
President Barack Obama has made commitments to many groups and special interest voting groups since his election in 2008, but none as strong as his guarantees to Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
Catholic scholars are up in arms about the latest interim rule issued by the Department of Health and Human Services, which is alleged to provide First Amendment protections to religious entities involved in health care, health insurance, and other programs impacted by the mandated distribution of contraception.
A new video just released by American Life League states that “President Obama’s abortion coalition” and “Planned Parenthood’s national political machine” will ensure that Planned Parenthood revenues will be protected in any budget reaching the president’s desk.
Stop Planned Parenthood International’s (STOPP) Defund Planned Parenthood Action Center generates a lot of interest, enthusiasm and, at times, skepticism.
A recent report entitled, “The Case for Investigating Planned Parenthood,” by Americans United for Life has received some high profile support.
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, Forest Laboratories, and Planned Parenthood have all defrauded the government and violated other civil or criminal laws.
Obama protection gives abortion giant shameless arrogance
President of oldest Catholic pro-life group praises USCCB call for cutting funds to nation’s #1 abortion provider
Call your Senators on Wednesday, April 13, to say “Defund Planned Parenthood!”
Friday, February 18, was a historic day. The United States House of Representatives voted 240–185 to cut off funding to the nation’s number one promoter of the culture of death—Planned Parenthood.