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culture of death

Forty-One Years Later the Cruelty Rages

Forty-one years have passed since the Supreme Court took away the rights of an innocent class of people and allowed them to be killed at will. Forty-one years of suffering have ensued. In addition to the millions of babies murdered, countless families ;mothers, fathers, siblings, grandparents, and other family members must live daily with the tragic loss of a child killed before he was born. But it is not too late to change minds and hearts to open them to a love for each and every human being. It is never too late to teach human beings how to love one another.

POLST: Let the Signer Beware!

It’s normal to want to trust your doctor’s advice, to heed his every word when it comes to your own care, or the care of a loved one. You know he has taken the Hippocratic Oath and you believe he has your best interests at heart. But is that always the case? What happens when you have a serious or terminal illness? Will he still give you the care that everyone deserves? When it comes to POLST forms, education is key.

Doctor Executioners

If we could count the ways that physicians have become the politicians of their chosen profession, perhaps we would better understand why human lives are like poker chips, popular votes or, even worse, trash.

The Language of Life

By Denise Hunnell, M.D.
Planned Parenthood has seen the polling data and is backing away from the term “pro-choice.” This is not surprising.

Moral Illiteracy’s Solution

Some of us who have been involved in battling the culture of death for more than 40 years realize that the time has come to reevaluate the way we approach our goal to end the moral madness that permeates today’s culture.

The Silent Repeat of Eugenic History

By Kurt Kondrich
[Recently] I read a very disturbing article titled “New Prenatal Test Is Bringing Eugenics Back to Germany,” and I could not help but think of the famous quote from American philosopher George Santayana: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.