Cardinal Dolan, Where Are You?
Cardinal Timothy Dolan has done an outstanding job leading the Catholic resistance to the HHS mandate.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan has done an outstanding job leading the Catholic resistance to the HHS mandate.
A headline caught my eye recently. It read, “Why Elephants Require Legal Personhood,” and was written by Steve Wise, the president of the Center for the Expansion of Fundamental Rights.
The Al Smith Dinner invitee, President Barack Obama, continues to spit in the face of the Church. Yet his invitation stands.
Much of the world looks to the Catholic Church, the largest religious denomination in the world, to provide leadership in the struggle to defend innocent human life increasingly endangered by an advancing culture of death.
Chicago Sun Times reports the death of another young woman at a Planned Parenthood facility. American Life League demands that Planned Parenthood end its culture of death
The Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) latest scandal bears scrutiny because there is a distinct possibility that recent developments like this one contribute to the argument that, when it comes to the Obama administration’s HHS contraceptive mandate, the Catholic Church does not have a leg to stand on.
Experts claim that Planned Parenthood has such a serious foothold on government policy and finances that it would literally take a jackhammer to pull them apart.
The first time I ever heard the name Abby Johnson I was fascinated by the information I received about her.
In His hours of suffering and pain before death, Christ was always the faithful Son, doing the will of His Father regardless of the outcome.
It is no secret that the 2010 federal healthcare “reform” law, commonly known as Obamacare, strangles the conscience rights of healthcare purchasers, providers, and payers.
As a former police officer I know there is one phrase in the criminal justice system that virtually everyone is familiar with: “Innocent until proven guilty.
There are people in our culture of death who consider pro-lifers to be far RIGHT.