Dr. Mildred Fay Jefferson: Ending Abortion Was Always Her Goal
Very rarely is there a person so brilliant, so dedicated, and so compassionate that her words and wisdom live on well past her time on earth. Mildred Fay Jefferson was one such woman.
Very rarely is there a person so brilliant, so dedicated, and so compassionate that her words and wisdom live on well past her time on earth. Mildred Fay Jefferson was one such woman.
Read what ALL staff members are doing and writing about this week.
Positive news offering a renewed sense of hope fills this week’s top stories.
Caring for those who are sick or dying should be a privilege not a burden, yet society does not seem to understand the love that we should show to our fellow man in their time of need.
Great news fills this week as we see encouraging things happen that will return our country to a culture of life.
Come join in the excitement as we prepare to stand up for preborn babies and march in our nation’s capital.
Have you ever wondered how you could provide a pro-life education at home?
What is the real legacy that lives on because of Margaret Sanger and the organization she founded?
With almost two million views in 48 hours, the Lena Dunham animated video about Planned Parenthood and its founder, Margaret Sanger, has gone viral. Like most viral videos, it is interesting to watch, but contains little information of value. In these days where Planned Parenthood is under fire across the country for a myriad of reasons, this is clearly a propaganda piece meant to deflect people from the truth.
When we advocate for the killing of the innocent or sick, we extinguish the light given to us by Our Lord, and we allow darkness to seep into our lives. Let us all be a lantern others can see by. Let this light guide others to Christ.
Now you, too, can learn the truth about Margaret Sanger in this fascinating CLSP video.
ALL staff members spread the truth about the sanctity of preborn babies.