Vote for the Babies!
In this week’s news, we see the urgency of voting with an understanding of Church teaching.
In this week’s news, we see the urgency of voting with an understanding of Church teaching.
Combating the culture of death in which the tearing apart of an innocent baby is allowed, and even praised, is a difficult job. But ALL and CLSP have a solution.
CLSP’s new lesson download will help you teach your high schooler how to think and how to view candidates during this critical election season.
ALL staff reveal the truth about PP and respond to harsh words spoken about Catholics.
ALL exposes the truth behind some of the common lies fed to the public.
October 16, 2016, marks a sinister 100 year anniversary in our nation’s history—the founding of what has become the largest abortion business in America.
A lie repeatedly told will soon be thought of as truth. Are you willing to help dispel the lies?
An educational program and a disturbing quote by PP’s president are just two of the things you must know about this week.
With our culture steeped in the lies taught by Planned Parenthood, isn’t it time we knew the truth?
Though today’s society has influenced the acceptance of contraception and made it more palatable, CLSP has the antidote to get rid of this poison.
The Culture of Life Studies Program’s groundbreaking new unit study on Margaret Sanger will open your eyes about the woman who founded Planned Parenthood.
The Culture of Life Studies Program offers two great editions of Life Is Precious, our first unit study for students in kindergarten through 2nd grade.