American Life League Appalled by Judicial Activism
Reacting to the decision by federal judge Edward Korman to order the federal government to immediately make the abortifacient morning-after-pill available to minors without a prescription
Reacting to the decision by federal judge Edward Korman to order the federal government to immediately make the abortifacient morning-after-pill available to minors without a prescription
By Jennifer Fulwiler
When I was giving a talk early last year, two women in the front row caught my eye.
Most people do not follow the so-called “personhood” political scene, but if they did it might be helpful if one could see that words can be used to complicate even the most basic fact.
It is an ongoing dilemma, is it not? America’s young people don’t measure up to the academic standards of other nations, but when it comes to sex they are right up there in the top two or three.
Sandra Fluke, the champion of free birth control for women, has reached a new low in her quest to shame the American public into believing that when it comes to promiscuity and sex, employers with well-formed consciences are badly in need of government intervention.
The latest action from the Obama administration is but another sleight of hand designed to ignore the objections of those who have expressed concerns about providing insurance coverage to employees for birth control services while claiming that quite the opposite is true.
Contraception has ensnared women in more ways than one.
By Stephen E. Broden
Eugenics is alive and well and, in more cases than not, blacks are their targets. In 2005, Life Issues Institute completed a study that concluded there is a strategic intent behind Planned Parenthood’s placement of its abortion facilities.
The phrase “hitting on women” usually applies to males whose tactics are designed to appeal to a female.
While it is certainly right to lament the fact the Obama administration is attempting to force Catholic institutions, through the Health and Human Services mandate, to provide insurance coverage for contraceptives, abortifacients, and sterilization, there is a bright side to all this.
June 7 marks the 47th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court Griswold v. Connecticut decision.
This past April 13, reported that Bayer was going to pay at least $100 million to settle about 500 lawsuits regarding injuries and death connected with the use of its Yasmin line of birth control which includes Yasmin and Yaz.