Change The Question Is Not Based On A Single Word
I don’t know about you, but if I hear one more promise of change, it may be the straw that ends my association with newspapers and television until after the first week of November.
I don’t know about you, but if I hear one more promise of change, it may be the straw that ends my association with newspapers and television until after the first week of November.
Lawyers working with the Alliance Defense Fund, on behalf of three pro-life women, filed a lawsuit Wednesday against Harford County, Maryland; the town of Bel Air, Maryland; and seven Maryland state police officers. These young women were humiliated and falsely arrested for exercising their First Amendment right to free speech.
Rock for Life, a project of American Life League, is cooperating with Students for Life of America and Stand True Ministries on the first-ever pro-life video activism contest. College and high school-aged contestants will submit videos on ending taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.
The California legislature has decided that the state should push patients to choose being put to death as their preferred healthcare option. That is the way I read the “Terminal Patients’ Right to Know End of Life Options Act”, also known as Assembly Bill 2747.
American Life League called on Google and YouTube to explain and end their pattern of protecting bigoted organizations. YouTube recently pulled videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s acceptance of donations earmarked to abort black babies.
The latest news from the world of draconian science should have turned the culture of death on its ear – but so far, I have not heard a word from the human embryonic stem cell research cadre’s guru
American Life League vice president, Jim Sedlak, dispelled confusion Monday in a radio debate with Rev. Ronald J. Cioffi, the priest whose statements regarding Catholics’ duty to vote pro-life have caused confusion and controversy among the Catholic faithful.
Lolita Hanks, R.N. is one of the most delightful people I have ever met. She is dedicated to the principles that affirm human beings as persons; these are the same principles that make supporters of the culture of death shudder.
American Life League congratulates the Knights of Columbus on its 126th annual convention this week and commends Supreme Knight Carl Anderson for his leadership and continued dedication to the protection of preborn children.
My regular blog entries share a wide variety of problems, but occasionally we attempt to focus your attention on all the good news that is happening in the circle of friends we commonly refer to as our fellow pro-lifers who strive to live the pro-life life.
We need YOU to protect a new proposal that would defund Planned Parenthood, protect medical workers and save countless lives – and we need it TODAY!
In a move that is capturing the attention of the pro-life world, Catholic bishops in the Philippines are leading massive resistance against the culture of death by holding a nationwide rally July 25.