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The news from the reproductive health front is not good these days for preborn children, but it is for those who cash in on the sexually transmitted disease, sterility and unplanned pregnancy market.
The news from the reproductive health front is not good these days for preborn children, but it is for those who cash in on the sexually transmitted disease, sterility and unplanned pregnancy market.
Louisiana state Rep. John LaBruzzo, R – Metairie, wants to pay poor women $1,000 if they agree to be sterilized. American Life League president Judie Brown said this eugenics plan to end poverty by stripping the poor of their basic human right to reproduce is the result of Louisiana’s cultural acceptance of abortion and sex-education.
The 1904 comic strip character Gloomy Gus was habitually depressed or, one could say, without hope. So too are those who dabble in the dreary business of violating our most vulnerable brothers and sisters’ rights.
Hidden behind the headlines, but rarely discussed in polite company, is the dire measure pro-abortion forces are committed to enacting because the personhood movement has become a real threat to their deadly agenda.
A recent headline caught my attention on a number of levels because it had to do with demographics and abortion.
As many of you follow my commentaries on Church law, specifically Phoenix Bishop Thomas Olmsted. I take issue with many things the Catholic bishops do, or in a few cases, fail to do.
At American Life League, we have spent nearly 30 years trying in every way we can to humanize the preborn baby, even when he is a single-cell zygote.
Yesterday, as our nation was reminded of the vicious terrorist acts resulting in the tragic destruction of many innocent human lives seven short years ago, I had to reflect on the import of this particular day in the life of our nation.
I have just finished looking at the latest advertisement from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, entitled “Science is moving on.
Heart attack victim Janet Rivera, who, like Terri Schiavo, was denied food and water for 11 days in July, was saved from the specter of death by starvation September 9 when her brother was named her permanent conservator.
It has come as a surprise to some that the Pontifical Academy for Life is co-hosting a November 2008 conference with the theme A Gift for Life.
I don’t know how this nation continues to move forward when so many grisly things are occurring right under our noses and are being paid for with taxpayer dollars.