Action Item of the Week – September 9, National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children
On September 9, pro-lifers everywhere will gather at local memorials and hold prayer vigils in honor of the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children.
The National Day of Remembrance website explains:
By participating in the National Day of Remembrance, visiting these solemn memorial places at other times of the year, and spreading the word about this prayer campaign, you are helping to humanize our aborted brothers and sisters and deepening your own commitment to ending the injustice of abortion. The National Day of Remembrance also offers hope and healing to women who have had abortions and others who have been hurt by abortion.
Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, it is crucial that we continue to mourn the millions of lives lost to abortion, and repent of the national sin of abortion, even as we begin the project of extending legal protection to unborn children in every state we can.
To find a memorial or a prayer service near you, follow the website link here.
Week in Review – Planned Parenthood Pushes Vasectomies; Abortion Pill Regimen Still Widely Available, Despite Court Ruling on Mifepristone
Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri announced it will be offering free vasectomies to 100 men in October. The abortion giant has pulled the same stunt three years in a row, offering the procedure in a mobile unit obscenely called the “nutcracker”.
“It’s worse to go to the dentist, I always tell my patients,” says the Planned Parenthood doctor who will perform the procedure.
Planned Parenthood cites a need for vasectomies since the fall of Roe vs. Wade, with so-called decreased abortion access. In the last year, per their annual report, Planned Parenthood cited performing 2,857 vasectomies. In the last three years, Planned Parenthood reported 8,454 vasectomies.
Vasectomies fall under the context of sterilization, which is deemed morally evil by the Church.
Last week, the New Orleans-based 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled to restrict the use of the abortion pill mifepristone, ordering a ban on telemedicine prescriptions and shipments of the drug by mail. However, in April SCOTUS issued an emergency order on Mifepristone, keeping it available to the public until SCOTUS reviews the case.
In response to the decision, ALL president Judie Brown issued the following statement:
Sadly, killing preborn children by any means possible has become part of the American way of life, the American medical practice, and the amoral value system that defines our nation. When the media reports: ‘A federal appeals court ruled to limit access to a widely used abortion pill, mifepristone, upholding portions of a lower court decision by a federal judge in Texas to suspend the drug’s FDA approval. Mifepristone, the generic abortion pill, remains on the market for now’. . . those words signal more gobbledygook resulting in the regulated, but continued, availability of a deadly pill that is designed to kill preborn children.
There is nothing in this decision that should rock your world if you are a pro-abort, but if you believe in the sanctity of innocent human life, you should be aware that the courts are committed to killing our future. After all, preborn babies are OUR future!
With now more than 53 percent of abortions being done via the abortion pill regimen, it is imperative that SCOTUS issue a firm ruling that will protect pre-born lives from the death penalty via the abortion pill regimen and all other forms of abortion violence.
This week, ALL’s Culture of Life Studies Program issued a press release on ways parents can “immunize” their children against Planned Parenthood in public schools. Katie Brown, director of communications for ALL, was interviewed on the release by American Family News.
Katie also recently interviewed with Molly Smith on From the Median on Planned Parenthood’s worst marketing schemes in the last 20 years. Listen to the show here.
The Spring Summer issue of Celebrate Life Magazine was recently published. One of the feature articles highlights Dr. John Bruchalski, a pro-life OBGYN in Fairfax, VA. Read his story here.
Susan Ciancio, Celebrate Life Magazine editor and head of CLSP, writes a weekly commentary on timely pro-life topics. This week she wrote an op-ed entitled “Keep Planned Parenthood’s transgender grooming away from our children.” The op-ed appeared as an exclusive on LifeSiteNews. Read it here. She also wrote an article on the foundations of faith we must instill in our children. It can be found on Catholic 365 here.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets, such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Pro-Life Social Media – MSNBC Talking Head: ‘No one supports abortion up until birth’
Jen Psaki, the former spokesperson for President Biden, now resides at the cable spokes-network for President Biden—MSNBC. Psaki posted her comments to X (Twitter) during Wednesday’s GOP debate. GOP candidates were asked about limits on preborn child killing and compared their positions to Democrats’ no-limit abortions. Psaki got defensive over the claim that Democrats support third-trimester abortions.
No one supports abortion up until birth.
— Jen Psaki (@jrpsaki) August 24, 2023
That’s news to us. But also begs the question . . .
Why not?
— American Life League (@AmerLifeLeague) August 24, 2023
Is there something wrong with murdering a preborn child later in pregnancy that “no one” supports it? There’s that stigma again.
Sure Jan.
— The Redheaded libertarian (@TRHLofficial) August 24, 2023
That looks like seven states supporting abortion throughout all nine months.
Dear Community Notes – just use this.
— Jenn Cheng (@THATJennCheng) August 24, 2023
You lie.
— Matt Wells (@bigredmatt1011) August 24, 2023
Then why have states like New York made it legal?
— Ultra MAGA Joyce Day (@Daytobehappy) August 24, 2023
If pro-aborts are going to be consistent and treat preborn child killing as “a woman’s choice,” then why are Democrats having such a hard time answering the question? Must be that pesky conscience of theirs. They know killing human beings before they’re born is wrong, but it’s more important not to rile up the political allies who hire you.
Your party does.
— JWF (@JammieWF) August 24, 2023
And the other party supports the abandonment of preborn children prior to 15-weeks. Does that really make the parties any different? Killing a preborn child at eight weeks isn’t any different than killing him at eight months. The Guttmacher Institute reports 94.6% of U.S. abortions are killing children at 15 weeks and younger. Does that really make Republicans different than Democrats?