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Pro-Life This Week August 16, 2024

Action Alert

Marian Blue Wave Sends Up Prayers for New York

Last week, Marian Blue Wave director Katie Brown announced that the monthly intention for August will be New York state. Each month until November, the Marian Blue Wave prayer partners are praying for a different state faced with a ballot initiative that seeks to add abortion to the state’s constitution. 

During the month of August, the intention is for New York. The “New York Equal Protection of Law Amendment” would be a clean sweep for abortion, enshrining it as a constitutional right for any reason at any time.

These ballot initiatives are pure evil, and make no mistake, they are coming to your home state soon. Planned Parenthood’s mission is to pass total abortion amendments in every state, protecting total abortion access at any time for any reason. 

We invite you to join the 10,000+ Marian Blue Wave prayer partners in praying for New York citizens to vote against this evil ballot initiative in November.

Week in Review

Planned Parenthood’s Bad Press Just Keeps on Coming 

Planned Parenthood has been making headlines all over the place within the past week, and the press has not been very favorable for the abortion organization, to say the least. Here are a few highlights of the abortion giant’s “woes of the week:”

  • In addition to the news that Planned Parenthood of Greater New England is facing financial issues, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York announced last week that it is closing four of its facilities throughout New York state, citing financial “challenges” as well. The facilities closing include Cobleskill, Amsterdam, Staten Island, and Goshen. 
  • PPGNY also announced that, temporarily, it will not offer deep sedation for patients seeking abortions and IUD insertions and removals in its Manhattan facility. PPGNY even lamented over the fact that it cannot financially afford to kill babies past 20 weeks’ gestation in its Manhattan abortion facility. Wow!
  • Another Planned Parenthood facility in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, announced it is temporarily closing because of an “emergency providers shortage.” 
  • David Daleiden’s company, The Center for Medical Progress, released investigative footage from 2015 that shows staff members of Planned Parenthood of the Gulf Coast admitting to collecting and selling body parts from babies murdered by partial-birth abortions. Though the mainstream media has unsurprisingly kept silent about this video, as has Planned Parenthood, pro-life media and many local news networks and conservative outlets are continuing to cover this shocking story every day. Warning: Video embedded above contains disturbing subject matter.
  • Planned Parenthood in Hudson, New York, is facing another lawsuit, and this time it’s from a young woman claiming damages for hormone therapies the staff prescribed to her. 

We hope and pray that through these various bad press items for Planned Parenthood, more people will seek to know the truth behind Planned Parenthood’s insidious nature and why no one needs the “health services” the organization claims to offer.

ALL in the News

On Friday, ALL national director Katie Brown was invited back onto OANN’s Tipping Point. Katie discussed the recently released undercover video showing Planned Parenthood employees discussing selling baby body parts. Watch the full interview linked here.

Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program—ALL’s pro-life education program for students in pre-K-12th grade—wrote an op-ed about Kamala Harris and her VP choice. The article was featured on LifeSiteNewsShe also wrote a blog about CLSP’s newest lesson.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of 

Pro-Life Education

Culture of Life Studies Program

Living the Beatitudes: In this lesson, students will learn about Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the Beatitudes. Through these teachings about who is considered blessed, children will learn that even when life may seem or feel difficult, Jesus walks with us, cares for us, and loves us. This lesson helps children see others through Jesus’ eyes and teaches them ways to build a culture of life by caring for those in need or who may be hurting because of how someone has treated them. Living the Beatitudes offers concrete ways for students to help others, reminding them that all people are created in the image and likeness of God and that all deserve respect and love. ORDER HERE

ALL’s Education Materials

Why Do We Oppose Planned Parenthood? is an eye-opening brochure that provides facts about what PP advocates for. Topics include premarital “safe sex” for teens, Thea abortion solution, profiting at the expense of preborn babies, and reducing minority populations. It is crucial that our country knows the evil perpetrated by this organization.  SHOP NOW

Pro-Life Social Media

VIDEO: Preborn ‘Daddy’s Girl’ Smiles from Sound of Father’s Voice 

A preborn child begins to hear around 18 weeks. By 25 weeks the baby can respond to what she hears. Most of what she hears comes from her mother’s own biological processes of digestion, eating, talking, and her circulatory system. If Dad speaks to the baby long enough, she will learn to respond to his voice, as we see in this video shared recently by the New York Post. In the video, this sweet baby smiles whenever her father calls. The Post writes:

“A routine ultrasound scan at 32 weeks captured the incredible moment an unborn baby appeared to smile at the sound of her father’s voice. “The baby is definitely listening if the family talks at home . . . and they will begin to identity them,” explained the doctor who performed the scan. 

Watch the adorable clip below: